Wednesday 5 December 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk8 D4 2018

There is only one way to open a Christmas present correctly.

First, you read the card,

Then you open the present,

And lastly, you say thank you and put the rubbish in the bin.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk8 D3 2018

This is the crossword that I completed.

Blog mission - T4 Wk8 D2 2018

This is the word art I did with Erin-Jae

Sunday 2 December 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk8 D1 2018

This is my Christmas Tree I created.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk7 D5 2018

  • What is a phobia?
A phobia is when you are scared of doing something or afraid of doing something, for example, Amaxophobia is fear of driving or being in a vehicle

  • What is a fear? 
A fair is when you are scared or frightened of doing something, or frightened that something bad is going to happen.

  • Do you have a fear/phobia? Explain more about it.
Aeroacrophobia - It is a fear of open high places
Harpaxophobia - It is a fear of being robbed
Aquaphobia - It is a fear of drowning

  • Find 3 Phobias to learn about and explain what they are.
  1. Ichthyophobia is a fear of fish.
  2. Kinetophobia, Kinesophobia is a fear of movement or motion.
  3. Octophobia is a fear of the figure 8.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk7 D4 2018

Leter to Santa

Dear Sanata, for christmas I would like for the people in the world that dont have anything like claen water, clothes, houses and food to have that and be happy, I would also like some money for my family as we don't have much money at the moment and that would make there day.

Thank you, Hanne

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk7 D3 2018

On Christmas I woke up and was already frightened from my nightmare when I noticed a smell. I looked over to find smoke coming from the oven so I went to check it out but I slipped and the smoke blasted me in the face I couldn't see anything. I must have knocked over some pans because I heard a clatter then a beep I must have stepped on the phone as well. I jumped off the bench onto the table but didn't quite make it I tried to climb on but the tablecloth hooked onto my claws so it slid off the table bringing everything with it. I am so busted I thought but that was only the start then I sat on the table when the coffee beans they sprung everywhere they broke the eggs, cups and almost everything in the kitchen. I jumped onto the fan but it turned on, I went flying I bounced off the ironing board on to the grandfather clock then it tipped over I jumped off just in time before it hit the floor then the lights on the Christmas tree blew and set the tree to ashes then a cork popped of a wine bottle onto the oven and the door of the oven swang open all the smoke went through the house I ran outside to find the fire brigade they said "follow that cat" I showed them the house they brought out the turkey that caught on fire. The family was so sad Christmas was ruined, but the neighbors all shared their stuff with us.