Thursday 8 December 2016

Term 4 Reflection

Term 4 Reflection
 What have you enjoyed the most this term and why?

  • Swimming because I love the water and to be in it.
  • Impact because I like to make an impact on things.
  • Peer Mediator because I love to help people.
What has been challenging this term and why?
  • Getting my must do's done in time because I can’t concentrate.
  • Peer Mediator because a lot of people keep asking us questions like ‘That person is laughing to much.’ and ‘Our cards are blowing away’.
  • Concentrating on one thing because I get distracted very easily.
What are you looking forward to next year?

  • JRock because I love to dance and it only comes every 2nd year and I would like to do it.
  • Year 6 rail trail because I love to bike and I think I’ll really like it.
  • Camp because I think I’ll really enjoy it and I think It’ll be really fun.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

My Homework Challenge Update Term 4 Week 8

⏳My Homework Challenge Update⌛

At the start I thought that I could do a hour glass. But then I thought it would be a bit hard with sand so I came up with the idea of a lava lamp - hourglass. I have made a practice one so that if I make a mistake I’ll know not to do that on my good version. So now I just need to add more touches on to my practice one. There was a challenge that I have overcome one challenge was that the lids came apart when my dad drilled a hole in them because we think the glue wasn't strong enough to hold them together.So we had to glew them back together. There was also a problem that I had overcome and it was that when I put the lids on the milk bottles the oil the water and the food coloring started leaking through the gaps of the lids. I am very lucky because my dad works at Green Valley so he brought me a lot of different varieties of milk bottle’s that I could use.

Here are some photos

Screenshot 2016-11-29 at 4.05.06 PM.pngScreenshot 2016-11-29 at 4.10.48 PM.pngScreenshot 2016-11-29 at 4.03.35 PM.pngIMG_20161129_161646.jpg

Wednesday 13 April 2016

The Elephant In The Garden

The Elephant In The Garden

By Michael Morpurgo
Reviewed by Hanne.V (age 9)

The story is about three people there is a boy named Karly, a girl, elephant and the children's mother. The girl is telling a story about her when she was younger. To a nurse and her child at the rest home, the girl is old now. The night before the girls birthday her mother got their elephant back from the circus and put it in the garden. The next day (the day of the girls B-day) there were bomb’s that dropped out over their city out of planes. They had to leave their city and go to the children's mothers sisters place. When they got there, they were not home.So they went to see if they were in the barn. There was someone in there. It was someone that bombed their city.They became friends and the man gave them a compass. But there dad had gone to go to war and after the war he was coming home.

I think this book is suitable for 7 year olds and up.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Hanne's Blog Post Week 10 Term 1

The NZ Flag   

I would like to keep the original New Zealand flag because it’s been the New Zealand flag for a long time. Mum’s nana is 99 and she says the original New Zealand flag has been around longer than her. She can still bake cookies they are so yum.  She has had pretty major falls and that was scary.
 I do not care if we have pretty much the same flag as Australia. But they do say that Australia has more money than New Zealand. So why doesn't Australia change their flag instead?

I vote for the original New Zealand flag.