Thursday 8 December 2016

Term 4 Reflection

Term 4 Reflection
 What have you enjoyed the most this term and why?

  • Swimming because I love the water and to be in it.
  • Impact because I like to make an impact on things.
  • Peer Mediator because I love to help people.
What has been challenging this term and why?
  • Getting my must do's done in time because I can’t concentrate.
  • Peer Mediator because a lot of people keep asking us questions like ‘That person is laughing to much.’ and ‘Our cards are blowing away’.
  • Concentrating on one thing because I get distracted very easily.
What are you looking forward to next year?

  • JRock because I love to dance and it only comes every 2nd year and I would like to do it.
  • Year 6 rail trail because I love to bike and I think I’ll really like it.
  • Camp because I think I’ll really enjoy it and I think It’ll be really fun.