Thursday 9 November 2017

Discovery reflection

Discovery reflection
We didn’t get much people visiting our presentation and only ten people visited. If I could, I would change how loud we were speaking because we weren't that loud and our ordinance walked away half way thru presenting. I felt really upset when I was presenting because lots of people just got up and walked away when we were in the middle of presenting. Here are some things we presented. I did the Christmas poster.

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In the school holidays I went to Fiji we went and visited the school and all the children were extra nice to us. In the first class the fan was broken and all of the desks and seats were also broken. We stayed at a resort and did the sun dance which is like a dance about what you did at the resort. There was a pool and everything! We went snorkelling and we saw heaps of fish. Me and Ella got Henna Tattoos and Ella got her hair braided. We also got to feed the fish. It was so awesome!IMG-3986.JPGIMG-3933.JPGIMG-3963.JPGScreenshot 2017-10-19 at 9.41.37 AM.png

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Cross Country

Cross Country

I don’t think I did that well but at least I tried and I felt really happy that I had just gotten it over and done with. I wasn't that impressed with the place I came and my training didn’t go as well as last year ether. But  at cross country I did better this year than I did last year. I hope to make it into Thames Valley next year and I hope I improve.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Whetu one day timetable made by me

Related imageWhetu one dayRelated image
Related imagetimetableRelated image
Related imagemade by HanneRelated image

In the morning we would do Jump Jam with Mr Fairweather for an hour.
After that we would do dear for half an hour. Then in the middle block we would watch a movie my pick because it would be my birthday. In the afternoon we would do art my favourite subject then we would all go home at 3:00. I did this day because it's my birthday.

Jump Jam
Morning tea

Tuesday 29 August 2017

iDrive reflection

iDrive reflection

I have enjoyed cooking because my mum is a cook and she has inspired me to be a great cook like her one day. I’ve also always loved to cook. If I could have changed anything I wouldn't have changed anything because everything worked out fine in the end. I have found two things challenging, the first thing was in wood work because it was challenging to cut the wood. The second thing is cooking because I had to wait for the food to cook and to be honest I am not the best at being patient. If I could add a new option for iDrive I wouldn’t because I think it has already got enuf options.


    I like this quote because it tells you how most friends are very close and are always thinking about each other.Image result for quotes

Thursday 10 August 2017

If I won $10,00,000 in Lotto what would I buy?

If I won $10,00,000 in Lotto.
If I won $1,00,000 in Lotto I would buy three things and put the rest of the money in the dank for when I need it. In total I would have $443,695 left and I would have spent $556,305.

Why do I want this item:
Cost and link:
Frolicat bolt laser toy for cats and kittens.
I would like this toy for my two cats Luna and Possum, because they love thinks like this, and they would stop probably  stop chasing me around the house.
Suzuki Swift Car
I would like this car so that I could drive around and not have to walk.
I would like this house so that I would have a nice and cozy house to live in.

Thursday 27 July 2017

Week 1 Holiday Recount 2017

Week 1
Holiday Recount

On the 17th we went to Whitianga and we stayed there for two nights the first night we went out for dinner at Chang Thai. After we had finished our yummy meals we were talking and then dad pointed at mum’s plate and there was a massive cockroach on it. We were trying to get the lady at the counters attention but she was concentrating on something else. When we did get her attention she came over and said that she was very sorry and then she picked up the plate, took it into the kitchen. Then all of a sudden there was a noise like rarararara and then RARARARARARA. When we payed they said that we could have a discount because of the cockroach. It was very lucky that mum had already had shared a whole bottle of wine with dad so she was a bit happier. If mum had not had that half a bottle of wine she would have been screaming.

Thursday 2 February 2017

My new buddy for 2017

This is my new buddy for 2017!!
Her name is Sativa.