Thursday 9 November 2017

Discovery reflection

Discovery reflection
We didn’t get much people visiting our presentation and only ten people visited. If I could, I would change how loud we were speaking because we weren't that loud and our ordinance walked away half way thru presenting. I felt really upset when I was presenting because lots of people just got up and walked away when we were in the middle of presenting. Here are some things we presented. I did the Christmas poster.

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In the school holidays I went to Fiji we went and visited the school and all the children were extra nice to us. In the first class the fan was broken and all of the desks and seats were also broken. We stayed at a resort and did the sun dance which is like a dance about what you did at the resort. There was a pool and everything! We went snorkelling and we saw heaps of fish. Me and Ella got Henna Tattoos and Ella got her hair braided. We also got to feed the fish. It was so awesome!IMG-3986.JPGIMG-3933.JPGIMG-3963.JPGScreenshot 2017-10-19 at 9.41.37 AM.png