Wednesday 30 May 2018




2003 ~ 2018

Loved by
Hanne, Ella, Tracey, Jo

"You will always be in our hearts"

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Aspirations & Dreams

One of my aspirations is to be a seamstress and my dream is to have a fashion shop in Paris with Erin-Jae.
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My Leadership Goal

Be a good role model by doing the right thing in the right place at the right time.Image result for learning

The Definition of Leadership in a Poem

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How do I take the lead

I take the lead in my learning by doing the right thing and getting my stuff done.
I take the lead in my life by taking every opportunity that comes my way.
I take the lead with my friend by helping them when they have problems and being kind.
I take lead in my family by doing chores and doing what I have been asked to do.
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Leadership Quote

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This is my favorite leadership quote because it tells you that a leader was once a beginner too.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

5 people that are leaders

Bethany Hamilton

Riley Hathaway

Emma Watson

Richi Macaw

Alanas Moraset

Te Reo - 5 Key Leadership Words

Leader: Rangatira
Hope: Tūmanako
Kind: Ahuareka
Respectful: Whakaute
Honest: Ahuareka
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Thursday 10 May 2018

If my pets had a superpower.

If my pets had a superpower they would have teleportation and use it to scare burglars and save people.

This is a story.

One day. One normal day possum was fast asleep. Then, his tummy growled, it was dinner time he knew this because every day at 5:00pm his tummy told him that it was dinner time. He jumped off his master's bed, into the hall, and then into the kitchen where he saw his housemate Luna, eating. They both ate their dinner, Kobe the dog was also eating but he was outside. He was imagining that:  'He was inside the house, with the masters and their children at the 4 square. Then there was a burglar and capes appeared around the animals necks so they came together. Then all of a sudden they were on the other side of the room and the burglar got soooo scared he dropped everything and ran.' Who knows maybe it might really happen. I made this logo on  this is the logo on their capes and this is the three of them.

