Thursday 23 August 2018

Cross country reflection

Weekly reflection

I have been growth-minded by not giving up in cross country.

I have been respectful by respecting my friends.

I have been kind by helping Marleana in cross country.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Blog mission - Toes

Why do you need your toes?
Toes help you balance.

What purposes do toes serve?
They support you when you walk.

Which toe is the most important?
The big toe.

Image result for toes

Thursday 16 August 2018

Weekly reflection.

😐 I have felt meh the whole week.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Thursday 9 August 2018

Game review

Little Alchemy

Little Alchemy is a great game where you can make things like house plus house equals village and village plus village equals city. There are lots of other things like palm plus desert equals oasis and water plus desert also equals oasis. It is a fun game to spend time on there are 580 things to make but you can leave it and come back to it as much as you want and the things you have made won't disappear. You learn how to make things and how to craft you can also learn physics, you can use it in many different ways. I like that there are 580 to make so the game isn't done straight away. I rate this game a 4/5.

Thursday 2 August 2018

Weekly Reflection:

  • What was your favorite part of your learning this week and why?

My IE presentation because I think it is going very well so far.

  • What is something you found challenging in your learning this week?

Finishing off my IE because I have been away for 2 weeks.

  • What is something you have enjoyed doing outside of school this week?

Arriving in NZ on the plane.

  • What part of your learning are you proud of this week?

I am proud of my chapter chat task because I finished it on my first day back of the plane.