Wednesday 5 December 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk8 D4 2018

There is only one way to open a Christmas present correctly.

First, you read the card,

Then you open the present,

And lastly, you say thank you and put the rubbish in the bin.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk8 D3 2018

This is the crossword that I completed.

Blog mission - T4 Wk8 D2 2018

This is the word art I did with Erin-Jae

Sunday 2 December 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk8 D1 2018

This is my Christmas Tree I created.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk7 D5 2018

  • What is a phobia?
A phobia is when you are scared of doing something or afraid of doing something, for example, Amaxophobia is fear of driving or being in a vehicle

  • What is a fear? 
A fair is when you are scared or frightened of doing something, or frightened that something bad is going to happen.

  • Do you have a fear/phobia? Explain more about it.
Aeroacrophobia - It is a fear of open high places
Harpaxophobia - It is a fear of being robbed
Aquaphobia - It is a fear of drowning

  • Find 3 Phobias to learn about and explain what they are.
  1. Ichthyophobia is a fear of fish.
  2. Kinetophobia, Kinesophobia is a fear of movement or motion.
  3. Octophobia is a fear of the figure 8.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk7 D4 2018

Leter to Santa

Dear Sanata, for christmas I would like for the people in the world that dont have anything like claen water, clothes, houses and food to have that and be happy, I would also like some money for my family as we don't have much money at the moment and that would make there day.

Thank you, Hanne

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk7 D3 2018

On Christmas I woke up and was already frightened from my nightmare when I noticed a smell. I looked over to find smoke coming from the oven so I went to check it out but I slipped and the smoke blasted me in the face I couldn't see anything. I must have knocked over some pans because I heard a clatter then a beep I must have stepped on the phone as well. I jumped off the bench onto the table but didn't quite make it I tried to climb on but the tablecloth hooked onto my claws so it slid off the table bringing everything with it. I am so busted I thought but that was only the start then I sat on the table when the coffee beans they sprung everywhere they broke the eggs, cups and almost everything in the kitchen. I jumped onto the fan but it turned on, I went flying I bounced off the ironing board on to the grandfather clock then it tipped over I jumped off just in time before it hit the floor then the lights on the Christmas tree blew and set the tree to ashes then a cork popped of a wine bottle onto the oven and the door of the oven swang open all the smoke went through the house I ran outside to find the fire brigade they said "follow that cat" I showed them the house they brought out the turkey that caught on fire. The family was so sad Christmas was ruined, but the neighbors all shared their stuff with us.

Monday 26 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk7 D2 2018

This is my ice-cream in it are all the flavors of fizzy drinks you can imagine all mixed together to make one marvelous flavor, Fiz surprise!

Sunday 25 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk7 D1 2018

Glass = window
Red = paint
Smoke = sigerets
Feet = walking
Peg = washing
Bed = sleep
Cloud = sky
Tape = fix
Wood = tree

Ball = bounce
Book = reading
Hand = writing
Fluffy = cat
Can = coca-cola
Phone = call
Table = dinner
Dirt = mud
Handle = tea pot
Bird = flying
Tree = wood

Related imageRelated imageImage result for bouncing ball

Thursday 22 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk6 D5 2018

List 5 water/summer safety tips:
1. Make sure you feel confident in the water
2. Put on sunscreen
3.Wear a sunhat
4. Swim in togs, not clothes
5. Make sure there are no rips in the water

Where is your favorite place to swim?
In the pool

What is your best summer/swimming memory?
When we went to Plopsaqua for Ella's 8th birthday in Belgium.
Related image

Blog mission - T4 Wk6 D4 2018

What If?
Kids had tails,
Leaves were fish,
Toes were teeth

If kids had tails it would be easier to keep away flies and mosquitoes but you wouldn't be able to ride your bike because your tail would get stuck in the weel. 

If leaves were fish everyone would go fishing more often and fishing comps would be about who could find and pick the biggest fish but, you would have dead fish all over the ground.

If toes were teeth you wouldn't be able to eat properly and it will be hard to talk and it would be hard to brush your teeth, but would you even need to?

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk6 D3 2018

My favorite entree is Belgian Vegetable Soup, I like this dish because we always have it at home and I love the taste these are the ingredients: Onions, potatoes, carrots, celery, leek, vegetable stock, water, Parsley, and Chives

My favorite main is vegetarian spaghetti, I like this because it is really easy to make and tastes delicious these are the ingredients: Tomatoes, chives, seasoning, salt, red pepper flakes, and vegetarian meat.

My favorite dessert is Tiramisu, I like this dish because it tastes like coffee these are the ingredients: Cream, mascarpone, marsala, caster sugar, coffee, sponge fingers, dark chocolate, water, and cocoa powder.
Related image

Sunday 18 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk6 D1 2018

Silverdale primary has decided to cancel their end of year school prize giving. I think the positives are not having to sit for a long period of time and not having to worry about all the pressure. The negatives are that the kids won't have anything to work for and only they only get sports prizes.
Related image

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk4 2018

Quarantine Officer
I think this would be a good career choice for me because I really like to protect the country and its animals and plants. Skills: Organized, strict, patient and kind.

I think this would be a good career choice for me because I really like to make dinner and cook for people. Skills: Organized, helpful, patient, creative and kind.

I think this would be a good career choice for me because I really like to design and make clothes. Skills: Organized, patient and creative.

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk3 2018

Pogo Sticks

Who invented it?

George Hansburg

Where was it invented/made?

Why did it become a thing?
Legend has it that George was traveling in Burma where he met a man with a daughter name Pogo. The father invented a stick that Pogo could jump on every day, to and from the temple.

How has it changed over time?
Image result for 1980 pogo stick1980's
Image result for 1990 pogo stick1990's
Image result for 2000 pogo stick2000's
Image result for 2010 pogo stick2010's

What was it like when your parents were your age?
Image result for 1990 pogo stick

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk2 2018

I decided to find out more about the Gnu because there was one in a book I was reading.Image result for gnu
Related image

Image result for gnu toy


Thursday 18 October 2018

Weekly reflection

I chose this image because this week was a great start to the term.

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

Connecting - My parents have been connecting with each other by talking about making a room at our bach safer to sleep in because it was getting moldy.

Action - They then started taking action by redoing the walls in the room.

Respect - The teachers show respect to all the students, even though sometimes students speak rudely to them they still respect the students.

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

The TMO is a place to work independently or to read a book.  
The Corporate box is a space to meet with the teacher or work on some creative things.
The Club rooms is for meeting with a teacher, collaborative work or independent work.
The Infield is a space to work on art/crafty stuff, meeting with a teacher or collaborative work.
The Stadium is for class meetings, collaborative work or meeting with a teacher.

I think it's important to have different spaces for different learning because some people learn differently as some people work better in quiet spaces.

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

My Spark

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

Be kind -
This quote fits because even when you think you have nothing to "give" you can always be kind and it's still giving.
Be respectful -
You should respect people so they respect you back, for example, listening when the teachers are talking instead of talking to your friends and not listening.

Be growth-minded -
You need to be growth-minded to find out what your talent is because you have to keep trying new things before you find your talent.

Be inclusive -
When people haven't been included it makes them feel even worse than they already are that's why we need to include people.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

This is my monster Gnaf

He can camouflage, he is not good at making friends as he scares them all away, his hobbies are frightening people and having them for dinner.

Gnaf's name is actually Fang backward.

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

Holidays are good for having a brake of school seeing family and having a chance to sleep in. Holidays are not good for getting into fights with your sibling/s and for having too many late nights.

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

My goal is to complete all of my work every week.Image result for school work

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Blog post my chose - w10 t3

I chose to create my dream house on planner 5d this is the finished piece.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Weekly reflection - wk9 t3

Image result for art emojiI chose this image because I have been doing lots of art this week.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Blog mission - Wk9 T3

Would you rather see a firework display or go to a concert?
A concert because I have never really been to a concert before.

Would you rather eat donuts or candy?
Donuts because I can eat more of them than candy without feeling sick.

Would you rather have an extra finger or an extra toe?
I would have an extra toe because you would be able to hide it.

Would you rather be a famous singer or a famous actor?
famous singer because iv always wanted to be a singer.

Would you rather live without a TV or without a phone?
I would rather live without a phone because I already do.

Would you rather go on a rollercoaster or go skydiving?
Rollercoaster because I love rollercoasters.

Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon?
I would rather have a pet dragon because it could take me to lots of places.

Would you rather be an Olympic athlete or the President?
Olimpic athlete because you get to travel the world and get paid to do your favorite sport.

Would you rather play in the snow in the mountains or in the sand at the beach?
Snow in the mountains because iv always loved the snow, we used to go every second year.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

It's my birthday on Friday!!!!!! 🎁

Te Wiki o te Reo Maori

I chose be respectful because you should always be respectful. Be respectful in Mouri is Kia whakaute. I made it into graffiti art.