Wednesday 31 October 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk3 2018

Pogo Sticks

Who invented it?

George Hansburg

Where was it invented/made?

Why did it become a thing?
Legend has it that George was traveling in Burma where he met a man with a daughter name Pogo. The father invented a stick that Pogo could jump on every day, to and from the temple.

How has it changed over time?
Image result for 1980 pogo stick1980's
Image result for 1990 pogo stick1990's
Image result for 2000 pogo stick2000's
Image result for 2010 pogo stick2010's

What was it like when your parents were your age?
Image result for 1990 pogo stick

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Blog mission - T4 Wk2 2018

I decided to find out more about the Gnu because there was one in a book I was reading.Image result for gnu
Related image

Image result for gnu toy


Thursday 18 October 2018

Weekly reflection

I chose this image because this week was a great start to the term.

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

Connecting - My parents have been connecting with each other by talking about making a room at our bach safer to sleep in because it was getting moldy.

Action - They then started taking action by redoing the walls in the room.

Respect - The teachers show respect to all the students, even though sometimes students speak rudely to them they still respect the students.

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

The TMO is a place to work independently or to read a book.  
The Corporate box is a space to meet with the teacher or work on some creative things.
The Club rooms is for meeting with a teacher, collaborative work or independent work.
The Infield is a space to work on art/crafty stuff, meeting with a teacher or collaborative work.
The Stadium is for class meetings, collaborative work or meeting with a teacher.

I think it's important to have different spaces for different learning because some people learn differently as some people work better in quiet spaces.

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

My Spark

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

Be kind -
This quote fits because even when you think you have nothing to "give" you can always be kind and it's still giving.
Be respectful -
You should respect people so they respect you back, for example, listening when the teachers are talking instead of talking to your friends and not listening.

Be growth-minded -
You need to be growth-minded to find out what your talent is because you have to keep trying new things before you find your talent.

Be inclusive -
When people haven't been included it makes them feel even worse than they already are that's why we need to include people.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

This is my monster Gnaf

He can camouflage, he is not good at making friends as he scares them all away, his hobbies are frightening people and having them for dinner.

Gnaf's name is actually Fang backward.

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

Holidays are good for having a brake of school seeing family and having a chance to sleep in. Holidays are not good for getting into fights with your sibling/s and for having too many late nights.

Blog mission - Wk1 T4 2018

My goal is to complete all of my work every week.Image result for school work